Our Brand Story

Connected Transport Planning (CTP) was conceptualised as a business by the Managing Director, Mark Rinkus during 2016 in recognition of the challenges in providing transport planning excellence. 

Reputation in the marketplace is dependent upon the individual’s ability to offer value for money and achieve client outcomes in the most effective way.  Ultimately only being as good as the team you work with and being able to choose that team is therefore the key to success.  This is only achieved when the right people, the right skills and the right attitudes come together. 

With a network of SMEs and likeminded specialists developed over 5 years of delivering multi-award-winning projects and approach, CTP’s operating model supports the collaboration of specialists working together with a focus on outcome and not process.

Our brand identity supports our vision for success with our original logo:

  • Reflecting the role of other specialists in delivering projects and our interdependency.
  • We recognised that all parties are equally important to the success of service with all circles equally sized reflecting this view.
  • Our use of red and black colours presenting a strong identity and visibility within any team.
  • With the client ‘C’ central to our service delivery, CTP seeks to be a value partner where the benefits of our involvement can be identified by the team and client alike.

With the passing of our 1st anniversary of business operation and a focus on growth, we felt re-appraising our identity would further develop our presence.  Central to this message is our ambition to be seen as the innovators in sustainable infrastructure planning. 

Working with Kempik Design and with assistance from the Business Gateway our new brand image reflects the result of our appraisal, retaining the key concepts of connectivity.  Our value in team collaboration and connected concept is now expressed through an infinity loop whilst our green/blue colour pallet reflects our commitment to sustainable / environmental considerations.

We are delighted with our new brand appearance and accompanying website with a number of new and additional innovations forthcoming over the next year.