Community Contribution- 2022 PEEK Winter Appeal

We don’t like just donating cash to charity! We instead prefer to work with well wishing entities to target specific outcomes.  No matter how big or small!

PEEKs winter jackets for school children was perfectly aligned with our ideas.  Funds raised went straight to buying winter jackets for those kids in the Glasgow area that were walking to school in uniform only.

We are delighted to have contributed to this visible outcome and we know this initiative has made our community just that little bit better.

ConnectedTP are working with a number of key delivery partners within the local community to invest time, advise and money into outcome focused initiatives.  These might be as simple as buying clothes for kids. As long as the outcome to action is known and agreed, we want to be involved.

Do get in touch if you know of eligible causes or wish to join up on our community crusade!

Picture of Mark Rinkus

Mark Rinkus

Managing Director

We Are Recruiting!

Due to continued support from our clients we are in the fortunate position for the second time this year to be recruiting another member to

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