Planning Authority
Services Provided
Through a planning agreement relating to a Strategic Planning Zone (SPZ) within the park, funding is accrued through a Section 69 agreement. The funding is to be invested within the Park to support sustainable travel transition. The service was multi-faceted and included:
• Leading the S69 Transport Review Group (TRG) to promote allocation of funds;
• Developing Park initiatives including Park Wide Staff Travel Survey;
• Producing a Park Travel Plan; and
• Leading the concept to construction of Active Travel infrastructure interventions.
Collaboration remained at the centre of our approach and we invited engineering partners, electrical engineers and data management specialists to sub consult and deliver the range of services, providing optimum Value for Money within a ‘strong’ market. We utilised the Travel Plan developed for the groups other UK sites as a benchmark and sought to improve on the Plan through developing a more comprehensive and site context specific travel survey supported by a high respondent return rate.
• Innovative approach to Travel Survey administration using third party supplier.
• Creative use of resources to offset and minimise cost.
• Result focused approach to maximise staff survey participation.
• Partnering with supporting services to provide a complete contract service provision.