Transforming Thornliebank_Walking, Cycling and Wheeling Concept Design_LUF Bid


East Renfrewshire Council


Active Travel / Travel Behaviour Change / Bid Funding


Thornliebank, Scotland

Planning Authority

East Renfrewshire Council

Services Provided

Active Travel

Statutory Process

Travel Behaviour Change

Cost Management

Study Description

ERC sought to submit an application for Round 2, Levelling Up Funding (LUF) during 2022. The bid included transformational design vision that would see both Barrhead and Thornliebank Town Centres radically changed to provide flexible and welcoming spaces for people and the community.
We supported the bid application process. We produced Transport Operational Statements for each town centre examining and qualifying the impacts of the designs on the town centre such as loading, servicing, road safety, business operation and Active Travel. We supported the applications through providing Transport Economic Impact Assessment to qualify the design impacts on motorised road users.

Our Approach

Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team consisting of landscape architects, economists and planners, we identified a range of services required to support the bid application. We note that the programme for delivery was challenging due to the bid deadline. We developed our approach to undertaking the economics to align with the client’s budget and most importantly timescales with our fee being proportionately fantastic value to the competition at 60% lower and delivered 80% quicker than the market would allow.

Key Successes

• Value for Money approach in terms of total fee, rapid delivery programme and innovation in approach.
• Progressing both parts of the same bid independently and together as required.
• Appropriateness of advice from previous experience was able to assist in steering services required.
• Challenge and debating value of services and comparison with the submissions to optimise submission approach.