Planning Authority
Services Provided
To support expansion of their whisky investment company, our client sought to purchase two warehouses located within a small business park and convert them to store whisky. The facilities would include a client viewing area and larger warehouse storage. The development required consideration of impacts on an adjacent children’s nursery and both buildings required a change of land use. Our commission required us to work with a landscape architect to develop the client’s vision for the development and provide the necessary support to secure the change of use consent.
Working again as part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-organisation design team including engineers and landscape architects, we proactively sought to identify the barriers to sustainable design identifying land ownership, safety and topographical constraints. We took the lead in evaluating potential footway/cycleway routes to agree servicing and parking requirements. Our Transport Statement was bespoke, designed to address the unique challenges associated with the site as scoped with the council.
• Pre-application scoping with the council to identify challenges at the study outset.
• Working with a multi-specialist design team to realise the client’s ambitions.
• Securing planning consent within the client required delivery programme.