Chain Retail / Delivery Hub




Masterplanning / Development Planning


Renfrewshire, Scotland

Planning Authority

Renfrewshire Council

Services Provided

Development Planning

Active Travel

Statutory Process

Travel Behaviour Change

Study Description

A new retail delivery hub was to be formed as a new build on a brownfield site and promote BREEAM Excellent accreditation. Our services included preparation of a Transport Statement, Travel Plan and a Parking Statement. We worked with the existing and proposed active travel infrastructure within the area to integrate the development.

Our Approach

Appointed as part of a multi-organisation team, we supported the sites statutory planning requirements through provision of a Transport Statement and Staff Travel Plan. We worked with the design team to revisit the architect’s layout and develop a deliverable access strategy that met both the future tenant’s contractual requirements which could also be accommodated within the road and site space and continuing to meet relevant design standards.

Key Successes

• Comprehensive Transport Statement and Parking Statement considering the bespoke operational nature of the development as a hub.
• Outcome focused approach with services delivered within an ambitious programme.
• Innovative ‘art of the possible’ approach in developing an access strategy that provided a deliverable solution within a constrained site.
• Working with Renfrewshire Council Active Travel Team to explore sustainable travel routes both through and into the development area.
• Transport contributions to BREEAM Excellent rating.