Nairn High Street: Walking / Cycling Concept Design_Stages 0-2




Active Travel / Placemaking / Behaviour Change


Nairn, Scotland

Planning Authority

The Highland Council

Services Provided

Active Travel

Statutory Process

Travel Behaviour Change

Consultation & Engagement

Study Description

In advance of the de-trunking of the A96, our client wished to explore the feasibility of options to reduce access to a section of High Street by non-essential motorised vehicles ideally reducing the number of loading and service delivery vehicles also. Working across multiple stakeholders, we examined options to manage access to High Street for only essential motorised vehicles including servicing and loading in support of walking and cycle modes and creation of space and promotion of local business operation. Our approach considered public consultation and engagement and a STAG based options appraisal to demonstrate transparency and objectivity in the option selection process.

Our Approach


Key Successes

• Ongoing