Gairneybridge Single Property Access


Private Landowner


Masterplanning / Development Planning


Perth, Scotland

Planning Authority

Perth and Kinross Council

Services Provided

Active Travel

Statutory Process

Travel Behaviour Change

Cost Management

Study Description

We don’t just provide support to ‘big’ development and every now and again we get invited to help clients turned away by other consultants due to a lack of commercial interest.

Our client had a vision to build their dream home within a plot of land they had already purchased. Unfortunately, the access to the plot was unacceptable to the council due to concerns relating to visibility splays, road safety and stopping sight distances. We were appointed to support negotiation with the council to develop an approach where we could provide the necessary supporting information to allow the application to gain planning approval.

Our Approach

We worked with the architect, council land landowner to agree an incremental scope of works for addressing the sites transport and access challenges. The scope was staged to offer maximum value to the client at minimum cost. Our approach provided a very cost effective and transparent plan that enabled the client to invest sensibly at each stage of the conversation as they had full understanding of the risk they were incurring in exchange for their fee. Our service included data collection, provision of visibility and access plans including stopping sight distance calculations and supporting conversations with the council.

Key Successes

• Collaborative development of staged study brief.
• Working with a multi-specialist design team to realise the client’s ambitions.
• Securing planning consent within the client required delivery programme.
• No cost / low-cost service plan providing optimised value for money.