Ford Car Showroom


Frasers Property/Ford


Masterplanning / Development Planning


Renfrewshire, Scotland

Planning Authority

Renfrewshire Council

Services Provided

Development Planning

Active Travel

Statutory Process

Study Description

The Ford commercial vehicle showroom required the redevelopment of a brownfield site and a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ accreditation. Services included preparation of Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Parking Statement. We worked with the existing infrastructure and future proposed active travel changes as identified by the council to integrate the development with the network.

Our Approach

Appointed as part of a multi-organisation team supporting the development from its change of land use. We provided exceptional value supporting the sites planning application through provision of a Transport Statement, Staff Travel Plan, Parking Statement and discharging of outline planning conditions associated with the original change of land use. We worked with the design team to assemble the planning submission incorporating and promoting a holistic view of Active Travel provision to develop the areas walking and cycling connectivity.

Key Successes

• Comprehensive Transport Statement and Parking Statement. Outcome focused approach.
• Delivery within an ambition programme.
• Successful discharging of outline planning conditions.
• Promotion of Active Travel infrastructure to address ‘gaps’ in network connectivity.
• Contribution to BREEAM ‘Excellent’ scoring.