Planning Authority
Services Provided
The development of 5 commercial / storage buildings were to be located on a brownfield site and include BREEAM Excellent accreditation. Services included preparation of Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Parking Statement. We worked with the existing infrastructure and future proposed active travel changes as identified by the council to integrate the development with the network.
Appointed as part of a multi-organisation team, we supported the sites statutory planning process through provision of a Transport Statement and Staff Travel Plan. We worked with the design team revisiting the architect’s initial layout and developed an access strategy which maintained the buildings floorspace within the constraints of the site. Our access strategy considered each of the sites challenging topography and drainage constraints. Our approach considered the developments parking impact within the area and examined Traffic Regularity Orders (TROs) and signing and lining design.
• Delivery within an ambition programme.
• Innovative ‘art of the possible’ approach to access arrangement to provide deliverable access solutions within constrained site.
• Comprehensive Transport Statement and parking statement / Outcome focused approach.
• Working with Renfrewshire Council Active Travel Team to explore cycle route connections both through and into the development area.
• Contribution to BREEAM ‘Excellent’ scoring and undertaking Active Score Assessment.