Planning Authority
Services Provided
Dumfries and Galloway Council successfully secured funding via Scottish Government to develop a Places for Everyone (PFE) Stage 0-2 concept design of an Active Travel network for Annan. The study was competitively tendered with the key study outputs aligned to the Sustrans PfE published guidance. The Annan Town study was progressed in parallel with the Villages Active Travel project being delivered by an independent consultancy team.
Working as part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-organisation design team including engineers and landscape architects, we proactively sought to identify the barriers to sustainable design, focusing on travel behaviour change. We sought to understand the barriers and opportunities to promote everyday Active Travel. We recognised the need for a joined-up approach and took the lead on developing the study branding design which consider the full study scope. We developed and deployed a wide range of promote effective community engagement, providing a number of services offered in addition to the original service offer and at no additional cost. This included the use of bespoke apps, deployment of a Virtual Engagement Hub and organising multiple pop-up events within the community.
• ‘Art of the possible’ options exploring behaviour change challenges before concept network development. This included provision of service over and above contractual agreement.
• Adapting delivery to align with the project’s unique challenges.
• Providing the right resource / support to provide a value service.
• Deployment of bespoke engagement tools and processes with a focus on meaningful engagement outcome.