Planning Authority
Services Provided
The Scottish Crannog Centre Trust appointed a multi-organisational, multi-specialist team to support the design and planning of a new larger replacement facility. Supporting the development relocation and expansion of a key Scottish Heritage asset. This museum exhibition centre caters for up to 100,000 national and international tourists PA and was recipient of best small museum 2019.
Working as part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-organisation design team including engineers and landscape architects, we proactively sought to identify the barriers to sustainable design identifying land ownership, safety and topographical constraints. We took the lead in evaluating potential footway/cycleway routes to agree a deliverable route and supporting design standard. Our Transport Statement and Travel Plan Framework were bespoke to address the unique challenges associated with the site. Our infrastructure delivery plan negotiated and identified the ‘trigger’ points / development phasing at which key infrastructure would be required to align with the trust’s construction phasing and affordability.
• ‘Art of the possible’ options identified within a challenging environment, we identified a deliverable concept active travel route connection between the site and Kenmore village.
• Working with a multi-specialist design team to realise the client’s ambitions.
• Securing planning consent within the client required delivery programme.
• Developed a phased delivery plan with infrastructure negotiated by phase and to maintain a positive cash flow.