Connor is an Assistant Transport Planner and a qualified Architectural Technician and a wiz at all things AutoCAD and 3D modelling using Revit related!
Connor is developing his skills and experience within our business. He is currently providing support on a wide range of our Active Travel studies including Rothesay, Campbeltown and Tarbert to Kennacraig route.
Connor typically provides a key supporting role working with our specialist advisors to prepare concept designs, develop landownership plans and assisting in stakeholder mapping, preparing access layouts, undertaking parking analysis, data research and analysis.
He supports our delivery of a variety of projects such as cycleway design, junction design and master planning experienced in AutoCAD and 3D modelling using Revit, using the software in conjunction with design standards and guidance for roads/cycleways which aids him in the completion of delivering various projects.
A driver and cyclist and father of Charlie, he offers his own user experience of navigating our built world with a 2-year-old!